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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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mike stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report on our. headlines in our two year long awaited reunion mikail meets his family in after president putin pardons him on humanitarian grounds. plus the pentagon fails to account for an eight point five trillion dollar black hole in its budget is washington seems unable to rein in defense spending. and egypt's ousted president mohamed morsi faces new charges this time over a twenty eleven jailbreak while his supporters of all ages are being thrown behind bars. well you can get more and all of these stories at r.t. dot com but now abby martin looks back on some of twenty thirteen's major news stories including an essay surveillance in the world wide anti fracking protests breaking the set is up.
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merry christmas happy kwanzaa happy belated hanukkah and happy festivus everyone happy martin this is breaking the cycle guys this is our last show of the year and given that news can be really depressing we thought would be quite appropriate to take a quick look back at some of the most up lifting and encouraging moments of two thousand and thirteen incredible technological advances were made from ultra efficient solar power to prenatal d.n.a. sequencing perhaps most incredible was the advent of three d. organ printing yes for the first time ever three d. printing technology was used to build tiny bits of organs although we're still years away from fully grown organs that can be built from an individual's own cells this development means one day people will no longer have to wait on a transplant list now staying on the world of game changing technology last month
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nasa launched maven a space probe that's being sent to mars to study the martian atmosphere and determine how the planet went from being rich or to water the barren red rock that we know it is today the discoveries that maven makes may revolutionize our understanding about space and the atmosphere of planets but another story that shook up the status quo here on earth why is courageous decision to legalize marijuana up amazingly the country's president hosts a move was it a complete abysmal failure of the world's war on drugs same quote einstein said there's nothing more absurd than trying to change results by always repeating the same formula that's why we're trying other methods whom he that world the new law could save why which spends eighty million dollars a year on drug trafficking millions of dollars but here in the u.s. so we saw one of our own bigoted laws shot down when the supreme court overturned the federal to. fans of marriage act since then we've seen seven states legalized
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same sex marriage and just yesterday new mexico supreme court gave same sex couples the right to wed take that all the countries out there with repressive gay laws moving on to one of the most inspiring international diplomacy stories of the year an agreement with the wrong and six world powers of the development of the country's nuclear program and while it's only a tentative six month agreement a warm relationship between iran and western powers is a much needed step toward stability in the middle east finally the most inspiring story of two thousand and thirteen has to be edward snowden in this courage to come forward and reveal an out of control and unconstitutional global spying machine infiltrating all of our lives has changed the world as a result of snowden's actions we now have documented proof of just how severely the intelligence community has violated our fourth amendment rights and now we have the knowledge we need to fight back now let's break the set.
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it was. very hard. to. get back with that hurt but there are those. guys it's been an amazing and challenging year on the show. we featured too many
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grassroots activists brilliant journalist and independent news of the count and of course i'm not expecting you to avoid all four hundred episodes we've done so here's a quick look back at some of our favorite guests that have broken the set and season two. is to have mr blair removed as the so-called peace and boy which is the most inappropriate appointment since colleague appointed to his horse as a pro con so overall it's bribery it's legal bribery well what i was system is. you know you bribe the candidate you give them i me that's how you get them you know if you do that in the private sector you go to jail the idea of punishing the audience even if they're downloading music illegally i don't think an audience should be punished nor should like the our i a take litigious action against soccer moms we've evolved doing lots of things we
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devolve of being relentless sexists intelligence looks like insanity a to throwing emphasis on what i've seen taking psychedelic drugs is so crazy that it's way crazier than the idea of a guy in the clouds with a harp the american people need to understand that what is at stake here is not only all over children and grandchildren's futures but what she's also at stake is democracy so today the united states can be described as the democracy money can buy we have to stop you know that narrowing our focus or to stop believing that i'm right and you're wrong everybody has good ideas to change the world i. i this year saw everything from obamacare website woes to snowden's james bond manhunt likely. my friend leek ham comedian and host of the
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moment of clarity web series is here to make light of the top five craziest stories of the year what the hell is up lee. thanks for having me on your show but you have to start i have to play this insanity the latest team coco clip of media. you bet you are too good for your show ok you get it done it out of work too. for yourself so. i'm going to work for you so it's ok you could have made it. if you bought it might it were to work for yourself that you could make it on the ten for you ok you can if you got item or two or maybe ten for yourself ok. and see for yourself. and say ok you know it's tragically sad and creepy to see these people repeating the same exact script but at least the message behind this one is happy consumerism rightly
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. yeah it's not only time to give it's time to receive from yourself just by yourself loads of crap you can't admit it but yeah i love this book because it shows both things it's like most of our media. and also keep it because you know if you don't jump the terrorists win. hey that's bush said whatever he says we know it's pretty much rock solid let's go over the top five quote raese the stories of two thousand and thirteen we started with the new unavailing of amazon's drone delivery service that will be a reality in just a few years are you ready for the fifth element. yes i love it you know i look i am a huge fan of technology i love that our technology is advancing but is this really the best you know this is this these are these are you know self pilot meets your flying device is used to deliver slap shops to goro phobic cole slaw
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addicks is that really the bad news is straight out of the jetsons and we're using it to deliver twilight novels to eddie it's that i think we should use the drones or something useful like i think every drone those drone should go they should find every homeless person search the city a little cameras find every all those verses and then lead them to all the foreclosed on houses that are littering out of this cave. it is amazing to think that this is what the technology has been used for i think it's likely to keep people even more separate like no no i never had to leave my house i just haven't found the lever arm just. stop the stop the future i want to get off. the one of the most disturbing stories of all boiled giant chevron having the audacity to sue the victims of their own oil pollution act ignores was charging them with conspiracy w.t.f. . well you know when i first heard this story that they had spilled
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eighteen billion gallons of toxic waste if you try and comprehend how that happens was there an employee standing over it going all over. how much longer do i have to do this twenty five years. but in fact it was it was intentional right that's how this happened and so now you know they want to be a court case the ecuadorians did and so many of them have died and everything chevron suing the own victims of their toxic dumping which is a level of evil like you've got to figure darth vader during his necrophilia years would be like dude that's cold all right that that's just gross you know it's insane i mean speaking of the two tiered justice system when what are your thoughts
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on the two activists who were just charged with committing at terrorism a hoax for simply unveiling an anti fracking glittery ban are we why do you think the government cares more about punishing glitter bombers than the fact that fracking. quakes and possibly cancer. think you're going to hard on him here because look many people know glitter looks just like anthrax anthrax is very fast and glittery and so i actually think they did the absolute right thing you know it reminds me of the scariest time in my life i was at my cousin a two year old's birthday party and someone brought out what was either fingerprints or a semiautomatic weapon no one was really sure which it was and it was a very scary time pipe cleaners also look a lot like nuclear bombs that's right we are i think you could. say they were being i hope that kid went to jail for ten years because you know it's too similar lead
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pipe cleaners and guns you don't know what you're getting. my personal favorite is this affluenza case the kid who mowed down for human beings while driving deliberately drunk sibylla severely injuring two others of course gets off scot free because he's too wrecked to have a moral compass lee what's stopping wall street bankers from pleading the same that is if they ever get prosecuted for anything. they have truly should believe the same and i think we could do it as a country like i think america we go a lot of wealth right so i think we should just be like o w m d and i rag affluenza . spying on world leaders. and i think i think that it's possible that the main reason they got off is just because of the clever words so i think if you were to use this on other things it would it would work so if you used to be rich and you were used to going to malls and buying whatever you wanted and now you're poor and so you stole everything it's not your fault because you have mall pox. it's just clever or if you're really
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rich and you are just an absolute douche you know you just treat everybody horribly it's not that you're a bad person you have one percentile dysfunction ok i can't let you go without talking about the n.s.a. of course that came out in two thousand and thirteen at the agency spying on everyone and the entire world including porn watchers and world of warcraft gamers lee what are we supposed to do we can't even watch porn and play second life and private anymore. you know it's like that great founding father patrick henry once said give me liberty or give me something that we pretend is liberty but is actually a massive surveillance state watching your every video game play and your every porn habit i believe that was the expression i know that our founding fathers didn't want the n.s.a. to be watching people masturbate so hopefully we can turn this around searingly thanks for shedding from the light on the insanity leak can't everyone comedian and
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host of the moment of clarity webs there is always amazing to have your own. thanks having. so since we won't be on air for the next two weeks in the meantime guys get your b.t.s. fixed by going to our youtube channel you can break in the set be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode or individuals segments interviews pose a separate of the news that you should check out the many and b.t.s. interviews from two thousand and thirteen and great segments including my take on a very prince who is just whitewashing his war crime with the daily show check out all that and more youtube dot com forced laugh break and the sex stick around you guys the world career rusted root's is a new song smarty pants. largest consumer of the season i take it with me in the country is the federal government simply saves property it will be made if these companies. want this the united
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states to give it to the public has to realize it can't just buy. just throw it away this is a good plan for the launch of the united states environmental protection agency and i found this on a dump site here this year and some ways. it produces of these little i have to should be able to look at these i believe that this should be responsible for the brutal too great. for mexico comment of mine. filled up until sometime earth going to go up or it also belongs to the washington metro area transit authority properties of a dentist aids page and trademark office. choose your language clearly we can we know if. someone. chooses to use the consensus you can. choose the opinions that you think.
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choose the stories that impact your life choose the access to to off. if you grew up in the ninety's then you probably know about rusted root the six member pennsylvania rock band has sold more than three million albums worldwide and lead singer michael. was also political activist and recently had teamed up with occupy wall street the latest music project a label called movement music records the collaboration is titled buy this fracking album which will feature the rusted roots song the smarty pants and here is the one from their.
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back full moon. is such a. ring. underneath girl in black churches. and you know you make. the so much of. the song. there she looked really. good.
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with the rats. in a small will then yes. but she got the fingers in clearly. say hey. you close down. you come on us. all on the ground. then i'll pass no. salt down she. surrounds you. so much hotter than assault.
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you're going to. see. even. or. you'll see it so. big. news see good stuff. just a smile on her parents. laddie
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ok let's. get you. to j.s. . seem shallow. to say. spin and. say hey hey. good share. to my goods. sold around she. says she. must.
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your label that you started called it movies like records has a brand new album coming out soon called buy this fracking album amazing name you guys just went to pennsylvania to learn a little bit more about fracking why you decided to put it into the name of the album and what did you learn while there. i mean putting in the name of the internet the whole point of the album is really it's it's to you know really create awareness about the fracking industry and going to dimock pennsylvania and meeting mazing folks there that are all anti fracking activists dedicate their lives to it it just. strengthened. the drive to make this album what it's all the people say why you're there and what are you learning about the community there their water supply and demand pennsylvania is decimated practically every single house has this shed outside their house with
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a filtration system that really isn't even strong enough and is not functioning enough to even clean the water that the fracking is being made dirty from. so it's just you know it's a mess over there and people need to stand up and. sing about it and stop it in any way possible and that study just came out that basically confirmed cancer birth defects in fertility because of the fracking liquid and we know that it causes earthquakes it's really time to shed a lot more light on this issue environmental potential disaster like i say that the men jordie that asked during a musician's just do not choose to be political why are you. why start out high school being very political i ran a organization called youth cry and we outside of the school system we got kids together and had college professors come and teach us about a lot of the activist issues we're doing central america at the time we're doing
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a part part we're doing. nuclear disarmament. and right after leaving high school i went to nicaragua and went by myself as a witness to the culture war just to. try to be a be a witness to all that you know what's actually going on there and the misinformation that was going on back. when i came back though as a seventeen year old i was just devastated and got really depressed so i use it was the only thing that could get me out of that jason i know that you were really into roll with occupy wall street i know that we talked before. the movement having been involved. how did you go from that and being an activist there to forming this record label called movement music records talk about how that all bridge together . movies music records was created specifically to put out this anti fracking album. in. you know the fracking industry the anti fracking
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movement occupy wall street tied together perfectly in that occupy wall street one of the biggest gripes of occupy wall street is the corporate takeover of our electoral politics and that's exactly why we have a fracking issue. because we have these these corporations who are paying off the politicians the politicians are making their decisions you know. in favor of these. of these companies that are the gas companies that are doing the fracking . and that's a big thing that we're fighting against in the occupy movement still are trying to overturn things like citizens united in order to really. give the voice back to the people mike where can people go to find out more about rusted root and also jason i want to you to add about the album rest of it. is our web site and we're pretty pretty active on facebook too there are probably two nights that
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we just get as much as i like you know it's just finished up and tore down the country and you guys are touring all the time and yeah there are a lot of shows if they were talking about them at the merge table having a hanging out with people and just talking about it and base and working people find out more about occupy the problem can be. by the structure you know. you can go to facebook dot com forward slash buy this fracking album or you can go to buy this fracking album dot com everyone needs a bite is fracking. so desired mike glove beauty producer jason samel really appreciate guys rock it out and about you so much for having us base. it's just. it's just. when's the last time you looked up at the night sky and pondered life in the universe well thanks the hubble telescope for now much closer to answering one of
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the biggest questions of all time whether or not we're allowed to see recently discovered five jupiter sized worlds that contain water in our atmosphere just a few trillion miles from earth and according to a study in a proceedings of the national academy of sciences we now know that there are possibly billions of planets just within our galaxy that up could pass away for life but what about the capacity for intelligent life on a man named frank drake came up with a way to quantify believe in measure the likelihood of life within our milky way astrophysicist carl sagan explains it best for the process of elimination so you can get the point gets to a point of how many technological civilizations are likely to exist. if only one percent of civilization survive technological adolescence but if sebago would be not a hundred million. but only one hundred and then the number of civilizations would
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be a billion times a hundred and the number of civilization of the galaxy then would be measured in the. sort of technical sort of. mind blowing you know it's funny all over its problems seems so small when you are going to be in the space beyond the confines of this planet that on this planet so many human beings are consumed with trivialities and materialism the shortsightedness and unwillingness to look beyond our own personal lives in such a detriment to the help of all living things let us not forget that much of the suffering here on earth comes from human comes. rocks money work deadlines of racism bigotry religion and the structures we've created often times in prison us from each other in the natural world so easy to forget the bigger picture it's so easy to forget that one one human family living on one organism one pale blue dot as carl sagan said think of the analysts cruelties visited by the inhabitants
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of one corner of this pixel in the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner how frequent their misunderstanding is how eager they are to kill another how fervent their hatreds are posturings our imagined self-importance the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe are challenged by this point of pale light our planets a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark in our obscurity and all this vastness there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
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you know c.n.n. the most n.b.c. and fox news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because one full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have a different thread. because the news of the world just is not this funny
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i'm not laughing dammit i'm not. gonna stick to the jokes that will handle the stuff that i'm. the lifetime of all mankind is but a brief moment in the long history of this earth of ours and only yesterday in the history of mankind has man made any significant advance in his control over his earthly environment computers machine for life a change this more than any other of man's invention. these machines which have been with us less than a million for the second in terms of the temporal span of man's history and already .


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